Friday, December 10, 2010

Final team document: machine description and bill of materials

Our machine has the following major modules: car frame, top plate, middle platform with both sweeping arm and scoop attached to it and the bottom plate to attach wheels.
The top plate has a planetary gear box motor on it and forms a pulley system to move the middle platform up and down sliding against the car frame and wood pieces. The platform has four extrudes instead of four wheel since this will be simpler. There are four strings attached to four corners of the platform by eye hooks. Our most critical module(MCM) is the sweeping arm which slide inside of the slot on the platform with the restriction of the nuts.It has a motor on the top. We had issue with the rack and pinion system which generated an undesired moment. So we changed it by using two strings wiring in the opposite direction on the aluminum shaft. in this way, the sweeping arm can slide horizontally, both open and close the scoop. We also attached two acrylic plates on the end of the platform to prevent it from bending. The sweeping arm is adjustable for its length due to vertical slot.Bob helped us weld the scoop. We extended the volume of the scoop so it can fit more balls.
About the car frame, there are four angle stock to support edges and there are a total of four pieces of wood which form sliding slots to allow the middle platform move up and down. we have a double gear box motor attached to the bottom plate and the motor shafts were pressed fit in the front wheel shafts. We used a single piece of aluminum to attach the back wheel.
When the machine is powered, we lower the middle platform and reach the balls. Then close the scoop and lift the whole platform up and drive to the other side of the table to dump the balls into the funnel. What we actually did is to lower the sweeping arm inside of the slot and push the balls towards the flipper to score. This worked pretty well in the seeding round. We designed it as multi-functional.
Here are some pictures

Here is the updated Bill of Materials and components.

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